For those who are looking for inspiring stories, people who live what they love, then you have found it! My name is Andrey, I have been the head of the Banana Papa project since 2015! The main goal of the project is to ensure that no matter what product you buy from Banana Papa, you always get the maximum quality and benefit from it! We use fruits that are of higher quality than those sent for export! Since fruits that are exported are harvested at least a week earlier than those sold on the domestic market, during this week our fruits receive more solar energy and gain more vitamins and microelements, acquiring the real taste of fruit that should be in nature! That is why our motto is: “Equator sun in every pack!” All our suppliers are people who grow fruit for themselves and their families, and sell the surplus at the local market! They do not use any chemicals when growing them and let the fruits ripen naturally! Why production in Latin America and not in the USA? The main reason is the proximity to raw materials for production (exotic fruits). After harvesting, the fruits enter our production on the same day! Thanks to the unique equatorial climate, exotic fruits of the highest quality grow here! Under no circumstances are fruits that are unripe or overripe, or with stains or damage allowed for processing, only the highest quality! We also do not use extreme high or low temperatures; our equipment allows you to dry fruit at a temperature of 40 degrees Celsius!
Our competitive advantages are as follows:
1. A healthy product, completely natural, a large amount of coarse fiber, contains natural vitamins and minerals, high quality calories with a low glycemic index, contains only exotic fruits (no additives (no sugar, no oil, no gluten, no preservatives , no dyes, no flavorings, no flavor enhancer, etc.));
2. Delicious product (concentrated taste and aroma of ripe exotic fruit, sweetness of only natural origin).
When it comes to health benefits, these are not empty words for us! In addition to the fact that our fruits compete with each other in the amount of potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamin C, there are many articles that talk about the benefits of dehydrated fruits for heart health, improving skin health, bowel function, helping balance salt levels in the body and fight muscle spasms! We focus only on scientific data, for example, here is the latest information on the health benefits of fiber:
On January 10, 2019, the medical journal The Lancet published data from 185 studies and 58 clinical trials over the past 40 years. The study was commissioned by the World Health Organization (WHO) to develop new guidelines for the optimal daily amount of fiber we should consume to prevent chronic disease and premature death. It included researchers from the University of Otago in New Zealand, the University of Dundee in Scotland, the UK’s Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition and others. These results suggest that people should consume 25-30 grams of fiber per day, the amount needed to improve health.
According to statistics in the United States, the average fiber intake of adults is insufficient at only 15 grams per day.
What are the benefits of fiber for our body? It performs several important functions at once:
1. Normalizes intestinal function. Several studies confirm that fiber plays a very important role in the prevention of gastrointestinal cancer.
2. Helps maintain normal weight. Dietary fiber slows down the absorption of glucose, allowing the process to proceed more evenly, without spikes in blood sugar levels, which helps you feel full longer, avoid overeating and gaining extra pounds.
3. Provides natural detoxification. Fiber can be compared to a sponge. Passing through the intestines, it absorbs harmful substances — toxins, salts of heavy metals. This reduces the load on the liver.
4. Promotes vascular health. Reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, which causes cholesterol plaques to form on the walls of blood vessels.
If you dive into history, then since childhood I have really loved bananas! After I grew up and got an education, I was looking for a business that I really wanted to do, and after listening to myself, I realized that I needed to come up with options that could be made from bananas so that the product would taste better than the original! Accordingly, this technology is suitable for other fruits and berries! I guarantee the quality of the product with my own face and am the first buyer of my product! And I really envy those people who try Banana Papa products for the first time! I really hope that you will become our regular customers!
We also support green energy, our production uses electricity obtained only from renewable sources, it comes to us from the nearest hydroelectric power station!
We look forward to seeing you among our clients!